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Our Daily Reading includes the readings of the day, and sometimes along with online videos.

God breathe!

“The Truth shall set you Free” John 8:32

There have been times in my life when I have been lied to, and likewise, I have told a lie or two. What I realize is that it’s harder to remember a lie than it is to remember the truth. The bible tells us that every whoremonger, and sorcerer and idolaters, and liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with brimstone: which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8)

Jesus said that I am the way, the truth, and the life. (John14:6) I can say that I have sin in my life and ask God for forgiveness. I had to repent, which means to stop what you’re doing, change in a godly direction, and live a godly way. I realize that God may forgive me, but a human being will never forgive me. The bible tells us that if we won’t forgive someone for their offense toward us, then our heavenly Father will not forgive us of our sin. I had to get to the point where I had to trust what God has said versus what that person may be saying. I had to trust the truth over a lie! If God said that he knows thoughts toward me are good and not evil, then I believe God over anybody! God is transforming our lives. The truth shall set us free!

“TEAM” 1Corinthians12:12-27

A team has no big (i’s) or little (u’s); we all are part of a team. The team is made up of many parts; there is no first place or last place.

A team doesn’t brag about who finishes first or who finishes last. Everyone is important if one loses, then we all lose, and if one of us wins, then we all win. Why? Because we are a team.

A teammate is one who puts the vision first. (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
They believe that the team comes first. A team can be a group of people who have a common interest, a band, an organization, a church, and a squad. It is two or more people coming together and working together for a common good.

They work to please one another with a genuine motive and excellent spirit. They normally have something that is very important in common, and they have the same heartbeat! Finally, they work together to build one another up and not tear one another down. Why? Because they are a team.

“Destiny’s Child” Acts 17:28

(John 12:49) Jesus knew who he was; he didn’t have to be affirmed from this world or from any person in this world! He lived with a natural family, but he was from the kingdom of heaven. Jesus had faith in his heavenly father that whatever his father told him to do or say, he would be obedient to his word. Jesus was humbled and obedient unto death even the death of the cross (Philippians2:8). This is what God is seeking on the earth. God is seeking for a man or woman that will forsake their earthly flesh and seek after the holy spirit of God. Jesus was raised naturally as a carpenter (Matthew 13:55), but he knew his destiny was much greater than what he was actually doing this time, but he worked humbly with his earthly dad. He didn’t allow the sarcastic comment or negative thoughts of the people to hinder him from his purpose; he stayed focused on the vision of god! God has given some of us this same spirit, but we have to put our flesh aside and receive a constant dose of the word of God to clean our minds, which hinders our faith. It became very hard for him in the end, but he knew as a child that he must be about his father’s business! Jesus had faults but no sin; Jesus is the model for all mankind!